At ISG, preschool classes offer opportunities for budding gymnasts to get accustomed to a class like setting with stations, and familiarize themselves with the equipement.

Winter 24-25 Schedule

What class should my child be in?
Our preschool classes are sorted by age. Please enroll your child in a class that appropriately reflects their age. Children experience multiple developmental periods within a short period of time, so it's important for classes to be age divided so that each age is getting appropriate instruction.
None of the classes my child should be in based on their age work for our schedule, can we choose a different class?
It is important that your child is in the correct class for their age. It makes it difficult for our instructors to effectively teach class while they're trying to cater the lesson towards different ages. The only acception to this rule is if you're aging down, and your student won't be bored in class, or if your athlete turns the next age DURING the session.
My child is 5, should they be in "5 Year Old Gymnastics" or "Beginner 5/6 Year Old Gymnastics"?
If your child has never attended a gymnastics class before, it is recommended that they do at least one session in the "5 Year Old Gymnastics" class. This will help them familiarize themselves with the equipment, and our teaching style of doing stations and rotations. You can ask your coach if they think your child is ready for "Beginner 5/6", or they will advise you directly when they believe your child is ready.
and What's the difference?
5 Year Old Gymnastics:
This class is categorized under one of our "Preschool Classes." This means that the classes run 45 minutes long, and the pricing is $170/ 8-week session. This class is mainly held on the preschool floor, with lessons planned keeping in mind that these athletes are new to the sport and are learning basic skills & drills.
Beginner 5/6 Year Old Gymnastics:
This class is categorized under one of our "Recreational Classes." This means that the classes run 55 minutes long, and the pricing is $190/ 8-week session. This class is held on the front rec floor, using the same lesson plans as the other beginners classes. The only difference is, we have this class to separate the younger beginners from the older beginners.